Leonie×Marianne Support Conversations
C Support
マリアンヌ: ……痛かったでしょう、ドルテ。蹴らなくても走れるのに、酷いわね。
Marianne: Being kicked must have hurt. Didn't it, Dorte? Do they think you won't gallop unless you're in pain? It must be difficult letting those brutes ride you.
レオニー: よう、マリアンヌ。そこで何してるんだ?
Leonie: Hey, Marianne! What are you up to?
マリアンヌ: あっ……。い、いえ、何も……。
Marianne: Ah! N-nothing.
レオニー: 誰かと話していたようだけど?無口なあんたが珍しいな。
Leonie: Really? I was sure I heard you talking to someone.
マリアンヌ: ………………。
Marianne: ...
レオニー: ところで今、手は空いてる?
Leonie: By the way, are you free right now?
マリアンヌ: な、何のご用でしょうか……。
Marianne: Is there something you need?
レオニー: 手拭き用の布や石鹸を買いつけに行くんだが女子どもから注文が多くてさあ……
Leonie: I was about to go buy towels and soap, but the girls saddled me with all these specific requests. They want it all to look cute, or to smell a certain way, but all that's just nonsense to me. I've always made my own towels out of old scraps, and soap from used cooking oil. I've never given it much thought beyond that.
マリアンヌ: はあ……。
Marianne: Oh...
レオニー: あんたは持ち物の趣味がいいから、そういう目利きもできるんだろ?
Leonie: But I've noticed you've got some really nice things. So, you have an eye for that stuff, right?
Obviously I'd give you all the credit. And I'm sure everyone would be really grateful for your help.
マリアンヌ: ……わ、私、そういうのはいいので。
Marianne: No, no. I don't deserve that kind of praise.
レオニー: そうか? まあ、とにかく付き合ってよ。何かお礼はするからさ。
Leonie: Really? I don't think that's true. Come on, you'll be doing me a big favor.
マリアンヌ: でも……あまり修道院の外に出ないよう、義父から言われているので……。
Marianne: My adoptive father tells me I shouldn't stray too far from the monastery.
レオニー: そんなの、わかりゃしないよ。たまには外の空気吸ったほうがいいって!
Leonie: That's nonsense! You've got to get some fresh air now and again.
マリアンヌ: いいんです……。私じゃ、たぶんお役に立てませんし……。
Marianne: I should stay. Besides, I wouldn't be much help.
I don't think anyone would like whatever I pick out anyway. It would all go to waste.
And I'm sure that having me around would just cause you misfortune, Leonie.
レオニー: ……はあ?
Leonie: Are you serious?
マリアンヌ: 私は、一人でいたほうがいいんです……。
Marianne: I should stay here by myself...
レオニー: ちょっと待ってよマリアンヌ。さっきから聞いていれば……。
あんたと一緒にいるだけで不幸になるだって? そんなわけあるかっての!
Leonie: Now hold on just a second.
You'll cause me misfortune? What kind of backwards talk is that?!
If you really don't want me around, then at least come out and say it straight!
I'm sorry for the unwelcome invitation. Don't worry, I won't make the same mistake again.
マリアンヌ: あ……
Marianne: ...
B Support
レオニー: ………………。
Leonie: ...Oh. Hey, Marianne.
マリアンヌ: あ……。レオニーさん……
Marianne: Um. Ah. Leonie?
レオニー: 温室の当番、わたしだったはずだけど……何してるんだ?
Leonie: I thought greenhouse duty was mine today. What are you doing here?
マリアンヌ: ………………。
Marianne: Oh. I...um. I'm sorry.
レオニー: ……ごめん。前に怒鳴ってから、ずっと避けてたもんな。
Leonie: You've been avoiding me ever since I lost my temper, haven't you?
You're probably scared of me now.
In the moment, I was hurt. I'm sure you had good reasons to act the way you did.
If you want me to leave you alone, I will. I promise, you've got nothing to fear from me.
マリアンヌ: レオニーさん、わた、私……
Marianne: Leonie, I...
レオニー: 水やりは終わったし、わたしもう行くよ。それじゃ……
Leonie: I've watered all the plants, so I'm done here. I'll get out of your way.
マリアンヌ: ………………!
Marianne: W-wait!
レオニー: おわ、どうした?
Leonie: Huh? Hey, what is it?
マリアンヌ: あの、あの……
Marianne: It's. Um...
レオニー: ……?
Leonie: ...
マリアンヌ: ……す、すみません、引き留めて。迷惑でしたよね……
Marianne: I don't mean to bother you. I'm sorry for keeping you here.
レオニー: いや、引き留めてくれて、むしろ嬉しいよ。あんたのこと、ずっと気になってたからさ。
Leonie: No, not at all. Thanks for keeping me. Honestly, I've been worried about you. If you ever want to talk, about anything, just say so. I'll make time.
マリアンヌ: 私……ずっと人を避けて生きてきたんです。だから、話すのも苦手で……
Marianne: I've been avoiding people for most of my life, so I'm not the best at speaking.
レオニー: やっぱり、何か事情があるんだな。でも仲間とは話したほうがいいと思うよ?
Leonie: I know it's hard. You've been through a lot, but it's worth the extra effort to talk to your friends.
マリアンヌ: 上手く相槌も打てないし……相手の方を、不愉快にさせてしまうんじゃないかって……
Marianne: I make everyone uncomfortable. I just don't know how to carry on a conversation.
レオニー: 不愉快なもんか。こうしてあんたと話せて、わたしは本当に嬉しいんだよ?
Leonie: Hey, we're having one right now. And I'm telling you, I'm not uncomfortable. I'm actually really happy. So don't worry about me. And it's OK to be quiet sometimes, but try to find a middle ground, at least. Otherwise, you'll never get any better.
マリアンヌ: ……!
Marianne: Oh...
レオニー: 何でもいいよ。趣味でも、好きなことでも。今日見た夢の話でも、空が綺麗だね、でも。
Leonie: As far as what to talk about, anything's good. Hobbies, things you like, a dream you had last night... Really, anything.
マリアンヌ: はい……じゃあ、レオニーさん。私、この花……好きです。
Marianne: OK, then. I, um... I like this flower. I think it's nice.
レオニー: わたしも好きだよ。だけどこの花、故郷じゃ色が違うんだ。
Leonie: I think so too! Did you know that, where I come from, those have a completely different color?
マリアンヌ: そう、なんですか?見てみたい……です……。
Marianne: Oh! Really? I'd like to see that.
レオニー: よーし、じゃあいつか故郷に招待するよ!ここの仲間と、みんなで来てくれ!
Leonie: Great! Come visit my village someday. In fact, we should invite all of our friends. It'll be fun!
マリアンヌ: はい……!楽しみにしています……!
Marianne: Oh, yes! That would be very exciting!